Years of research in one capsule


What goes into each UBrain capsule?

UBrain's primary ingredient is a proprietary blend of rare tropical herbs found deep in the rainforest. We found that these herbs replenished vital nutrients in your brain that are naturally lost over-time due to stress, ageing, disease and oxidation. In replenishing these missing nutrients back to your brain, we found that we are able to reverse the effects caused by the original deficiencies. The benefits are further compounded by the herbs ability to increase blood flow to your brain and increase healthy dopamine supply that deteriorates with age.

All products are approved for import into USA by FDA

Years of research, testing and planning

We have spent years in the lab researching how to effectively capture these vital nutrients and deliver them in a single capsule.

After formulating our unique UBrain blend, we cultivated our own farm deep in the rainforest to facilitate the natural growth of these rare herbs.

Our UBrain 100 product was then tested by leading scientists in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and demonstrated to be effective as a herbal supplement for cognitive health.

Results of our research

In our lab, we achieved a never before seen reversal of Parkinson's disease in fruit flies with human clinical trials currently in process

BEFORE: Group of LRRK2 GS* fruit flies with Parkinson’s Disease could not climb due to motor function defects.

AFTER: Same group of LRRK2 GS* fruit flies after taking UBrain 100 for 25 days started to climb like healthy flies.

Customer Testimonials

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